Latin American Travel Awards

Latin America Travel Awards (LATA)

PAAA Procedures


Electronic submissions are recommended. See the PAAA Executive Committee page on the website for email addresses.

Qualified recipients include current or prospective PAAA members living in Latin American Countries. Student applicants are given priority over non-students.

Applications should be sent to the PAAA President and the Latin-American Committee (LAC) Chair and should be received no later than three months before the event for which the recipient is applying (exceptions can be made under special circumstances). The President will distribute copies of the applications to all LATA committee members for evaluation.


Please send:
1. A brief curriculum vitae (c.v.)
2. The name, organizer, and dates of the event to which you would like to attend.
3. A copy of the abstract submitted to the PAAA or similar organization related to the event, if applicable.
4. The amount of total travel expenses anticipated.
5. Any other financial support for which you are applying for the particular event.
6. A brief statement as to how the LATA will impact on your research or educational goals.



The LATA committee will decide, by vote, which applicant is to receive the award and will forward it nomination to the PAAA President. The President will send notification to all the applicants of the LATA decision at most 4-6 weeks after receipt of the application, if feasible.

The recipients of the award will be announced in the PAAA newsletter, and a short summary of the student’s activities will be listed.