About the PAAA


The Pan American Aerobiology Association (PAAA) is an assemblage of individuals with diverse scientific backgrounds and expertise who have a common interest in the sources, dispersal, and deposition of airborne biological particles. The organization was officially constituted in June 1989 during the Second Canadian (and first Pan-American) Symposium on Aerobiology. The PAAA is an associated organization of the International Association of Aerobiology (IAA) and acts as the representative of the IAA in the Americas. Please join us!!

Who We Are

The study of aerobiology is a multi-disciplinary field. Some of our interests lies with how the production, distribution, dispersal, and deposition of airborne biological particles and the implication of these processes to ecology, human health, plant and animal pathology.

The primary objectives of the association are:

  1. to foster communication among those involved in the many disciplines encompassed by aerobiology
  2. to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent and ongoing research in aerobiology
  3. to encourage new investigators (including students) in aerobiology.